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The {sportsdataverse} Python Module

Saiem Gilani

Saiem GilaniOct 21, 2021

1 min read174 words


Lifecycle:experimental PyPI Contributors Twitter

See for details.

The goal of sportsdataverse-py is to provide the community with a python package for working with sports data as a companion to the cfbfastR, hoopR, and wehoop R packages. Beyond data aggregation and tidying ease, one of the multitude of services that sportsdataverse-py provides is for benchmarking open-source expected points and win probability metrics for American Football.


sportsdataverse-py can be installed via pip:

pip install sportsdataverse
# with full dependencies
pip install sportsdataverse[all]

or from the repo (which may at times be more up to date):

git clone
cd sportsdataverse-py
pip install -e .[all]

Our Authors

@saiemgilani @saiemgilani


To cite the sportsdataverse-py Python package in publications, use:

BibTex Citation

  author = {Gilani, Saiem},
  title = {sportsdataverse-py: The SportsDataverse's Python Package for Sports Data.},
  url = {},
  season = {2021}

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